About Me

Hello, I am Syed Zuhair Hossain (you can call me Zuhair) from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a passionate tech-enthusiast with a strong interest in Science and Arts. I am into learning new things about technology and research methodology with an engineering mindset. I have completed my undergrad in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) as major at Brac University in May, 2023.

I have been working as a DevOps Engineer in the Platform Architecture and Operations Department of ITP Division at RedDot Digital IT Ltd (subsidiary of Robi Axiata Ltd.) since February 2023.

Before joining as DevOps engineer, I have completed my undergraduate thesis on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) under the guidance of Assistant Professor, Dr. Jannatun Noor Mukta in collaboration with Professor, Dr. A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Dr. Tanjir Rashid Soron and Dr. Md. Golam Zel Asmaul Husna. We are honored to received a prestigious research grant from Brac University, which enables us to expand our research work.

My research interests focus on Human-Computer Interaction, aiming to solve real-world problems faced by marginalized communities to enhance social good. I am also interested to explore Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computational Social Science. I am actively looking for Research Assistant and Research Collaboration positions in Human Computer Interaction research labs. You can also knock me with positions in Software Engineering industry, mentoring and educational content development opportunities.

News and Updates

  • December, 2024: Will present my first authored paper in NSysS’24: 11th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security 2024.
  • February, 2024: Published my first authored poster in Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications. [Details]
  • June, 2023: Landed my first job offer! I am working as a DevOps Engineer in RedDot Digital IT Ltd. (a subsidiary of Robi Axiata Ltd.). Looking forward to this new journey in industry!
  • December, 2023: Presented one student research posters at the 10th NSysS 2023 held at ECE Building, BUET. Attended as a poster presented in NSysS for the first time.
  • June, 2023: Awarded with Brac University Research Grant 2023 for Undergraduate thesis project. [Details]
  • May, 2023: Successfully completed my remarkable undergraduate journey in Computer Science and Engineering at Brac University.
  • April, 2023: Successfully delivered and defended my undergraduate thesis presentation, achieving an outstanding score of 95%.